Writing With the Fishes – Five Reasons Creative People Should Have an Aquarium

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Calm down! The title of this post isn’t a mafia reference and no writers have been whacked!

I recently decided to take up fish keeping again after many years without an aquarium and am now the proud owner of a beautiful Betta Splenden named Moonfire.

Moonfire on his first day in the tank. Isn't he a beauty?

Moonfire on his first day in the tank. Isn’t he a beauty?

Although I’ve only had him and his tank in my office for a couple weeks I’m already noticing some benefits of his presence. Who knows, maybe in time there will be some Betta Writing Lessons to go with my Canine Writing Lessons? In any event, here are five reasons creative people should have an aquarium:

1:  White Noise

As I write this article the soft tinkle of water from Moonfire’s filter is sounding behind me. Not enough to be distracting, just enough to be a little calming. A lot of creative folks find its easier to focus with the sound of moving water nearby. Some even say they can only be creative when its raining because the water noise helps fuel their creative juices. Well, in either case, start keeping fish in your office and presto! Instant white water noise without the need to rely on the fickle atmosphere.

2:  Stress Relief

The mental and emotional benefits of fish keeping are actually pretty well documented. Some refer to this as aquarium therapy, and its why you see a lot of fish tanks in the waiting areas of doctors and dentists offices; places where people can get a little stressed out. I think we can all agree that stress relief is important to creativity, so need I say more?

3:  Resting Your Eyes

Particularly for writers, painters, and other creative types whose endeavors involve a lot of eye strain from looking at the same thing with near vision over a long period of time, its important to periodically take a break and look at something else to give your eyes a chance to rest and stave off headaches. Having a fish tank around gives you something interesting and colorful to look at while resting your eyes, and the desire to watch the fish for a few minutes may well help you remember to take those breaks your eyes so desperately need.

4:  A Jumpstart to Your Routine

Keeping fish near where you’re being creative creates the perfect opportunity to set-up beneficial routines for yourself. Want to get in the habit of writing/painting/drawing/etc. when you get up in the morning? Well, you need to feed the fish in the morning anyway. So, if your fish is/are there where you do your creative activities, its an easy transition to feed your little buddies and then sit down to work.

5:  Someone to Bounce Ideas Off

This one may seem a little strange, but I found myself taking advantage of it just the other day. I was the only human in the house, the dogs were chilling in another room, but Moonfire was right there watching me work. So, feeling a little frustrated with something, I started talking to him. Turns out the little guy is quite a good listener and an effective sounding board. Who knew?


There you go, five reasons why you, oh creative one, should follow in my footsteps and get a fish tank of your own. Or maybe you already have one? If you do, tell me about the benefits you’ve derived from having some aquatic buddies around.