Aaron vs. The 3-Day Novel Contest: The Countdown

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I have just put the finishing touches on the story treatment for my 3-Day novel book. Well, possibly. I am still going to look it over tomorrow with fresh eyes but I don’t expect to find much more to change. I can’t say its perfect but I think its a fairly solid base off of which to build the story. Fingers crossed that I am able to use it effectively to write the actual book itself well.

The story, as is wont to happen, is significantly different from what I originally envisioned, but in a good way. The love story now actually does feature two characters who are more than just objects to be loved by each other as it was supposed to. Hopefully the love story itself makes sense and resonates. This is, admittedly, my first attempt to write two characters falling in love so there might be some mistakes or hiccups. My other major concern is that, given some of the subjects and themes that are coming through in the treatment, in some places I could come across as preachy if I’m not careful.

Regardless, though, the main goal of this coming weekend will be to finish the book, be the end product good, bad, or otherwise. I now have other preparations to make on the morrow. Food to prepare that can be fixed quickly to limit time away from the keyboard. Essentials such as tea, tissues for allergies, etc. to stock up on. An extension cord to set-up from the garage in the event my creative energies demand writing outside to fuel them. Tasks such as laundry and dishes to complete in advance of their normal weekend time. All to insure the greatest chance of minimum distraction and maximum productivity is achieved when I finally begin to labor within the throes of the great and all-consuming challenge that is the 3-Day Novel contest.

The average 3-Day Novel Contest book runs about 100 pages, double-spaced. What will mine run? I’m afraid I can’t begin to estimate, but I’ll be shooting for at least that length and hoping that having the treatment to guide me along will speed up the process significantly.

Soon it shall begin, and soon I shall triumph! Wish me luck!

Are any of you readers joining me in the 3-Day Novel contest? Have you ever tried something similarly ambitious? Tell me about it in the comments!


Read the first and second posts about my upcoming tangle with the 3-Day Novel Contest. Or don’t, I’m not your boss.