Book Review: “Dangerous Territory” by Lindsay Schopfer

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Keltin Moore, hunter of terrible beasts, has liberated a province and saved a country from starvation. He’s brought peace between gold miners and native people. And he’s defeated a beast that cannot be tracked. But now, the legendary beast hunter faces what may yet be his greatest challenge. For the far off country of Malpin has closed it’s borders, and trapped his love within them. To get her back, he’ll have to brave beast and border guard alike. Peril of the body, peril of the heart, and peril of the conscience all threaten at every turn as Keltin is forced to make his way through… Dangerous Territory.

This third installment in the Adventures of Keltin Moore franchise doesn’t disappoint. The story takes some risks by leaving Keltin’s long time companions and fan favorite characters behind for the adventure. Bor’ve’tai and Jaylocke remain in Riltvin as our hero sallies off to explore dangerous territory. They do appear periodically through the trademark letters of the series, and those letters provide some excellent closure to one of the long running subplots of the series involving Keltin’s love life.

Fear not, though. Along the way Keltin meets some new companions to accompany him on this journey, and they quickly establish themselves as just as likable and interesting as Bor’ve’tai and Jaylocke. From a war time news reporter to a hound trainer with an untested animal, they certainly bring a new range of perspectives and skills to the series, and provide some refreshing change of pace.

I was also quite excited by the reunion of Elaine and Keltin, who met in the first book but communicated only through letters in the second. This is a meeting fans of the series have been chomping at the bit for, and while I don’t want to spoil anything I think it’s safe to say that it doesn’t disappoint.

If you haven’t read the previous Keltin Moore novels, you can still dive right in to “Dangerous Territory” and not feel lost. But honestly, all the books in this series are amazing and I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to read them all. Just like its predecessors, “Dangerous Territory” gets 5/5 stars. It isn’t perfect, but I enjoyed it so much I don’t care. I highly recommend you all give it a try.