Aaron’s Art: Xirka and Rosie Versus the Parasite Demon Queen

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I haven’t talked about it much to my readers thus far, but one of the new skills I’ve picked up the past couple years is drawing. Quite gratifying, as I’ve always wanted to be able to draw well and now, I’ve learned.

Am I a fantastic artist? No, but I can draw things and you’ll actually know what they are 80% of the time anymore, so that’s awesome.

I’ve decided as a new blog feature I’m going to start occasionally showcasing some pieces of my visual art for my reader’s enjoyment, and here’s the first such piece.

The above image was one of my earlier drawings after just picking up the skill. Like I said, it isn’t amazing but it is good enough that you can actually tell what’s happening, so I’m rather proud of it.

This piece depicts a scene from the first campaign I ever ran as a GM for my tabletop RPG group. In it, two of the party, a lizard person named Xirka and a human girl named Rosie, are pictured in their confrontation with the queen of a race of parasitic demons from another world, who had been seeking new land to repopulate themselves.

What isn’t depicted here is the moments earlier on when Rosie, after realizing that the parasite demons want her alive, decides to let herself be captured to find out where their lair is, and poor Xirka had to shadow behind them. Also, the very tense moment when the parasite queen, knowing that Rosie is one of the heroes who has done the most damage to her brood, offers her the chance to join them and be transformed into a parasite demon queen herself. Based on the flaming dagger in her hand depicted here, you can see what Rosie’s answer was to that tantalizing offer.

I wasn’t very confident at all drawing people yet when I did this one, so I intentionally drew both humanoid characters with their backs turned so I wouldn’t have to worry about drawing faces.

Stay tuned for more Aaron art in the future!