Looking Forward

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As I continue to work on the final steps toward getting Roc Rider ready I find myself, as is wont to happen, thinking about upcoming projects and starting to make mental plans. This is, admittedly, jumping the gun a bit and I try to rein this in when it happens. Still, it can be fun to muse about upcoming projects and possibilities. I’m not sure what it is about this time of year that makes me want to revel in possibilities for the future like a second new years, but it does.

Lately I’ve been thinking about last year’s effort with the 3-Day Novel contest and contemplating whether to do it again. In spite of the difficulties surrounding it, I really enjoyed the exercise. For those of you who weren’t around last year you can read about my adventure with the 3-Day Novel contest here:  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. As I state in the final entry, there are pros and cons to it. At the end of the day I decided I needed a little input, so I’m asking you for yours, blog readers. Answer the survey below and tell me what you think. (More of this post after the survey)

Of course, for those wondering, my mind has been on the second Roc Rider book as well. As promised I’ve started to think about the story while working on edits for the first book. As I look over my prep notes for writing the original, I’m struck by how different Roc Rider turned out to be from what I originally envisioned. Not that the early planning was bad, just that I realized I was starting at the wrong place and needed to tell a part of the story from earlier in the timeline first. So, much of my early prep was set aside in favor of the story I told in the book I’m editing now. Lessons learned in writing the first book mean not everything from that early prep will get used in the sequel, but a good deal of it will, which I’m quite excited about.

And then there’s my third full-length novel (the Roc Rider books are only novellas, remember) waiting to be returned to. It’s a title I’m quite excited about but decided to set aside so I could finish Roc Rider because, at the time, I had way too many projects going at once and needed to get myself down to just one for awhile to get back on track. I’m toying with the idea of (after I finish the game) bringing it back on as a second project, to try working on more than one writing project at once again, as an experiment.

Any other thoughts/reactions to my musings on the future? Let me know in the comments!