Coming in 2017: Chronicles of the Roc Rider

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Hi everyone! As the year winds to a close I thought I would give everyone a glimpse of things to come in 2017. The coming year is going to be a big and exciting one I think, and I hope you’ll all be here to enjoy it with me.

First up let’s look at the big one:  Chronicles of the Roc Rider. I’ve mentioned this project a few times in blog posts but haven’t gone into detail on what it is exactly. This fantasy story has an interesting development history that I won’t get into right now, but I’m hoping to make it my first published work come 2017. While this book is significantly shorter than my other works, I think it makes for a fine first outing in publishing. After a very successful beta read I’m now at work on revisions. When will it be released? Well, that I can’t quite answer for you yet as there’s a significant amount of work yet to go. What I can give you is a little glimpse into what Chronicles of the Roc Rider has in store for you story-wise:


After a year of hunting, Tanin Stormrush has finally caught up to the Skull-Eyed Man. The man who murdered his wife. The man who stole the egg she was carrying, the unhatched brother of his roc partner Zera. The man Tanin needs to fulfill her final request; find the egg, and rescue the hatchling from whatever ill-fate might have befallen it.


When the encounter goes badly and Zera ends up in a desperate fight for her life, Tanin finds himself with a tenuous new ally and new sense of urgency to his mission. For the Skull-Eyed Man hasn’t been acting alone…


This is my first attempt at penning a description of the book, so any suggestions for improvement are welcome, dear readers. Hopefully you’re as excited for this as I am.


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