Works in Progress Update: Roc Rider Revisions and Menagerie Mapping

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Here it is, the first of my promised monthly updates on my works in progress. I have two projects I am currently working on to update you about; Roc Rider and the corruption menagerie choose your path adventure game.

Roc Rider

“Chronicles of the Roc Rider”, my primary work in progress, finished up its beta read a few months ago but the revisions have been moving much more slowly than I’d like. There are a number of reasons for this, the most recent being an irritating update of my computer that forced a restart during a moment when I was away from the keyboard. The program collected a recovery file but this temporarily resulted in two different versions of the third draft on my hard drive. While I’m a compulsive saver of my work and was fairly certain they were identical, it was nevertheless necessary for me to carefully scan both versions for discrepancies to determine which one was the more current.

Though I’m down to one version of the third draft again, I’m still pretty frustrated. Things were already moving more slowly than I’d like and now, with this setback, it feels like starting all over again on the revisions. Still, there’s nothing to do but forge ahead.

Progress is being made, just not at the rate I’d like to see it happening. In spite of the setbacks I have every confidence this situation will correct itself within the next couple of weeks.

Once the content revisions are complete I plan to begin working on the story treatment for Roc Rider’s sequel at the same time as I’m working on edits. The goal being to have a completed story treatment that will allow me to hit the ground running on the first draft of the sequel as soon as Roc Rider is finished.

I know a couple people are eagerly awaiting a release date for Roc Rider but I just don’t have one for you yet. As soon as I know, you’ll know.

Menagerie Mapping

My first choose your path adventure game, which I’m calling Menagerie for the moment for lack of a working title, is still in very early development. I have my basic concept and the ideas for the playable characters but there’s still a lot to do before I can start working in earnest on the meat of the project.

My next step is to flesh out the playable characters’ attributes a bit more and, most importantly, begin drawing out a detailed map of the corruption menagerie where the game takes place and labeling it with the locations of potential characters and encounters that the player can come across on their journey. Since writing the game will be an exercise in detail, to insure each potential story branch stays cohesive within itself and accounts for the consequences of the options the player doesn’t choose, the map will be infinitely valuable in keeping me honest and on track.

I’m not sure what to expect in terms of how quickly this project will advance or when it will be complete, since I haven’t done one of these before. I’ll be sure to let you know when I have an inkling as to when it will be finished.


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