Join the “Roc Rider” Launch Team

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As we await final technical details to be worked out so that I can set an official release date (this will most likely be after all the fuss over the eclipse is done), I’d like to start getting everyone pumped about Roc Rider. To that end, this is an open invitation to join the “Chronicles of the Roc Rider” launch team. This group of intrepid readers will spread the word about the book and help me boldly go where I haven’t gone before; into the realm of launching a title on Amazon!

NOTE: If you don’t want to join the launch team but do want to support me and this launch, look here for suggestions on ways to help.

Joining the team comes with some nice perks, but you’ll also be expected to do some stuff. First off, the benefits.

Members of the launch team will recieve:

  • My undying gratitude

  • The knowledge that they helped support a pretty cool guy and his book

Wow, both of those things sound amazing, right?! So, what do you have to do to get them?

The team will be given two tasks to complete every week for several weeks help spread the word about the book. These tasks should be quick and easy to complete. They might include:

  • Telling friends about the book

  • Supporting a Headtalker or Daycause campaign

  • Sharing a favorite quote from the book with people who might want to read it

  • Handing out promotional bookmarks

And other equally simple tasks. I’ll now take some questions:


Q: Am I required to write an Amazon review if I join the launch team?

A: No. While I encourage you to write an honest review on Amazon, your membership in the launch team does not require you to do this.


Q: Can I get a free ebook copy of “Chronicles of the Roc Rider” if I join?

A: No. Amazon’s terms of service do not allow me to do this.


Q: How do I join the launch team?

A: Contact me any way you wish and tell me you want to join. You can use the contact form on my website if you’d like.


Q: Is there a deadline to join the launch team?

A:  Nope! Even if you’re reading this post after the book is released I’d be happy to have you for the last bit of the launch campaign.


Q: Will joining the launch team add me to your mailing list (i.e. newsletter)?

A: No. I respect your privacy and will only use your email in ways you approve. I will ask for your email to send you updates about the tasks for each week, and to contact you at my next book launch to ask if you’d like to be on the launch team again, but I will not add you to my mailing list unless you specifically ask to be added to it.


Q: I don’t check my email, will there be a Facebook group?

A: Yes


Q: Can I participate in the launch team even if I’m not on Facebook?

A: Yes! While being on social media will make many of the tasks easier to complete all of them can be completed in other ways.


Q: What am I waiting for?

A: I don’t know! Click here to send me an email and join the launch team today!


Q:  I’d like to support you Aaron, but this launch team business is something I don’t have time for. Is there something else I can do?

A: I’m glad you asked. Here’s a list of ten things you can do even without being on the team that I would also really appreciate. Pick one or two, do those things, and you’ve helped a lot.

  1. Buy the book (duh)

  2. Gift a copy of the book to a friend

  3. When you buy the book, buy other books in the same cart. This helps my book get on “Customers who bought this also bought…” lists

  4. Write an honest review on Amazon, Goodreads, your blog, or directly to social media

  5. Tell a book blogger you know or read regularly about my book, and recommend they mention it or review it

  6. Tell a friend who might enjoy it about the book

  7. Ask your local library if they have my book on the shelves (this might prompt them to order it)

  8. Interact with posts on my Facebook page by liking or commenting or sharing (oh my)

  9. Post a picture of yourself holding a copy of my book and tag people who might like it

  10. Use a print copy of my book (signed or unsigned) as part of a prize in a giveaway, raffle or contest. I might even donate a signed copy, if you’re a non-profit and you ask nicely