Aaron’s Art: The Stilt Leg Beast

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We’re back with another piece of my art! This piece depicts the terrifying stilt leg beast from Lindsay Schopfer’s wonderful novel Into the North. It was originally created for two purposes.

One: as the final project in my drawing class in 2020.

Two: as an entry into the Lindsay Schopfer Fan Art Contest for 2020.

The Stilt Leg Beast from Into the North

*Minor Spoiler Alert for Into the North by Lindsay Schopfer*

The stilt leg beast appears in the opening moments of the novel, when Keltin Moore and his green apprentice Jaylock are taking on a bounty for a goat farmer. Among the many terrifying things about the stilt leg beast is the fact that it has a second brain, a fact which very nearly does poor Jaylock in.

*End Spoiler Alert*

I had to take some artistic license with the coloration of the creature, not being confident enough yet in my abilities to draw it as dark as it’s described and feel it would be recognizable given the back-lighting. Still, I tried to stay true to Lindsay’s wonderful description otherwise.