Six Questions with Helen M. Pugsley

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This may be my blog, but I’m not the only cool writer out there! Today we’re going to hear from another fantasy author who happens to be a good friend of mine as well, Helen M. Pugsley.

Hailing from a Wyoming town with a whooping 20 for population, Helen is a fellow Wyomingite who’s got a lot going on!

She’s the author of three published books: a novel and an anthology through Drakarium Publishing, and an independently published title.

She’s also published a serial fiction available on Kindle Vella. In addition, she’s released poetry and flash fiction in various publications and was a recipient of the Wyoming Arts Council professional development grant.

Without further ado, it’s time to meet Helen!

Q: Helen, 2024 started out with a bang for you! You officially wrapped up your ongoing serial, “Outrunning the Night” on Patreon and Kindle Vella. How does it feel to have brought this project to a close after several months? Which character will you miss hanging out with the most? Can fans expect more content in the universe of “Outrunning the Night” in the future, or is this it?

A: Hi Aaron! Thanks so much for inviting me to do an interview with you! I’m so excited!

Yes! After months of hard work, and weekly updates– the manuscript had to survive nearly being lost in a waterfall back in August! But it is finally finished!

As for more content in the same universe, yes! It actually takes place partially in Olsen County Wyoming like The Tooth Fairy, so we may not see the same cast of characters again, but we almost certainly will see similar content. Good ol’ Wyoming cowpokes interacting with the fae!

Relatively soon, I’m going to finish writing a blog post about what I would have done differently in creating a serial story, and what I did do well. I want writing a serial story for profit to be easier for the next guy, so I can try to teach!

Q: You also have an audio book in the works for your debut title “War and Chess”. Tell us a little about your fabulous narrator and the work involved with bringing the book to a new format. 

A: Yes! We are all so excited about that! Our narrator’s name is Lori Olsen, and I met her on AXC. She’s done a fantastic job capturing each individual character’s personality with her voice. I kind of lost it a little the first time I heard her perform A Gishlan Lullaby. She actually sang it! I’m so excited for the rest of the world to be able to enjoy it this spring!

Q: You’ve mentioned in the past that another book in the Gishlan universe, a prequel tentatively titled “To Craft a Nation”, is in the pipeline with Drakarium Publishing. What can you tell us about that project so far? Can readers expect any big news regarding the new book this year? 

A: Unfortunately, I’m sad to say, that I have stretched myself a little too thin, once again. So Drak and I have decided it’s best to finish up these other projects, tweak To Craft a Nation a few more times, then debut it when the time is right.

Q: You’ve hinted that a sequel to your indie published title, “The Tooth Fairy” may be in the works as well. Considering that the original book was partly inspired by then current events happening in the world, what new influences are you planning on bringing to the story and universe of “The Tooth Fairy” for this outing?

A: Ah yes, I hit a wall in that project too, but Outrunning the Night came out of it!

The year was 2021, Marlene was back in Yuma working as a dentist, and had her house become haunted while also trying to fight a witch who’s end goal was “chaos is the natural order of things. Let’s make chaos!”. Of course I started working on it in ’21, then my life turned itself on it’s ear, and suddenly I was on a leaky air mattress in a new city. ’22 came around and it was so strange researching the historical events we had all lived through to make sure I had my timeline correct, but then it just dissolved into Marlene, Krysathia, and Krysathia’s boyfriend running around Yuma being the dumb dumb trio. Entertaining, but not an actual storyline!

Outrunning the Night takes place after all of that in 2023. Marlene and Krysathia make an appearance in Outrunning the Night but they’re no longer the main characters. (I’m sure they’re relived!) They still have important roles, and we never say “goodbye” without a “see ya later”.

Q: You aren’t just an author, but a pretty awesome person, too! Are there any events where an intrepid reader willing to brave the wilds might get to meet you in person this year? 

A: Aw shucks! Thanks! I don’t have any tours booked just yet, but you can always hit me up on social media. Send memes!

Q: What are you most excited for in 2024? Where do you see yourself as an author a year from now?

A: I’m currently trying to make the commitment to have more fun. So every time I leave my hobbit hole, or just my well beaten track, I end up learning something new! I’m hoping I gain more knowledge about the world around me, and I hope it starts showing in my books.

Frankly, I will probably pick up some more insane projects and by this time next year, be laying on my office floor asking “What have I done?”

Sounds like readers have got a lot to look forward to from Helen coming up! I can’t wait to see what insane projects she ends up on. One thing’s for sure, when Helen picks up a new project, cool stuff gets made.

Be sure to grab one of Helen’s books and support her on social media!

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